Market sentiment indicators are one of the most helpful tools at the disposal of investors looking to judge how the market feels now and where sentiment is headed, helping to find undervalued or overvalued opportunities. However, these indicators should be used alongside other technical and fundamental analysis to provide added depth to research, rather than used as a single authority on the outlook for financial markets. Client sentiment data is derived from a brokerage’s execution desk data, measuring live retail client trades to determine possible directional biases in the market. When sentiment is approaching extreme levels, stock traders may begin to see a reversal as more likely which is why it is seen as both a contrarian indicator as well as potentially having a leading component. Generally, when the ratio levels is greater than +/2 (negative for majority net-short and positive for net-long positions), the short-term trading signal generated would be in the opposite direction.
This is represented in percentage form (see image below) which aids traders in identifying market imbalances which could lead to possible opportunities. It is not enough merely to ‘do the opposite’ but look at the changes in sentiment and the direction of travel for sentiment as well as the price. For short-term traders, identifying these relative extremes in price versus sentiment can be a useful addition to a trading strategy. With this strategy, one waits for the price to break the trend line and trade above the 200 EMA. Along with IG client sentiment data, this would have given extra confirmation to look for buying opportunities going forward.
While sentiment is a crucial factor in market movements, it should be just one aspect of a broader trading strategy. The main reason this sentiment indicator is regarded as contrarian stems from the objectives of retail and institutional traders. Retail investors tend to trade against the trend or ‘pick tops and bottoms’, creating a trap for institutional traders or the ‘big boys’ who have enough power to drive price in the opposite direction. There are two reasons why most sentiment tools are viewed in a contrarian manner. The main one is the tendency for many retail traders to ‘pick tops and bottoms.’ In other words, such groups take sell orders in bullish markets or buy orders in bearish markets. Furthermore, for each market, IG provides a better graphical representation (figure 4) and daily-updated reports to ensure traders can view the actual price movement against the sentiment data.
IG’s client sentiment indicator is still, by far, one of the most frequently used and has proven to provide some accurate data translatable to real market movements. While the IG’s sentiment index is free of charge and a lot easier to comprehend than other indicators of this nature, it only provides a microcosmic view of the entire forex market. This information has been prepared by IG, a trading name of IG Australia Pty Ltd. When speculative interest hits an extreme, though, it indicates prices could head the other way. However, when the price began to rise in early January, long positions decreased and short positions rose.
IG Client Sentiment is viewedas ‘fading the crowd’ or going the opposite direction of retail traders. All of this is made possible with IG’s accurate, real-time data on the most frequently traded markets – which can be used in any sentiment trading strategy. For example, the EUR/USD chart below shows the projectible nature that can occur with IGCS.
Regardless, one still needs to perform their technical analysis aside from observing the sentiment data. Any sentiment indicator shouldn’t be a primary motivation for taking a position but could act as a confirmation and an observational tool. When new traders learn about the speculative sentiment index and learn to use it as a contrarian indicator, many think that they should always be trading in the opposite direction of retail traders.
In this instance, there is a large disproportion between bullish and bearish sentiment, resulting in a bearish trading signal being generated, suggesting that the prices may continue to fall. The client sentiment offers a good picture of how other traders feel about specific markets and highlights opportunities to trade the opposite way. The Excel Price Feed Add-in provides historical client sentiment data which you can download into Excel. You can then combine this data with historical market data to see how client sentiment changes as the market changes.
If the market is favourable on the current outlook, then people start buying more, increasing demand, and therefore pushing the price to new highs. Generally speaking, the term market sentiment refers to the state of mind of the market during the current trading session. It can change quickly for different reasons, as well as various thoughts, feelings and actions.
Yet, unlike a tool such as the Commitment of Traders, report data updates more frequently, allowing users to react quickly to any sudden shifts ig client sentiment in sentiment. The ‘sentiment nerds’ should have undoubtedly heard of the IG Client Sentiment Indicator/Index in forex, one of the most prevalently used sentiment tools. The client positioning indicator is provided by IG, a publicly traded, UK-based broker with beginnings stretching from 1974. In the above diagram, price is in a strong uptrend and sentiment is showing over three times more short traders for every long trader, therefore, this can be regarded as a bullish signal.
Recent changes in sentiment warn that the current AUD/USD price trend may soon reverse higher despite the fact traders remain net-long. Unlike the previously mentioned analysis strands, sentiment is based on real, actionable data. Yet, as with any tool, traders should use the IG Client Sentiment Indicator as a confirmation layer with other set-up triggers to form a solid trading idea. Another useful and often overlooked feature of the report is the changes in long and short positions. This feature is particularly helpful to traders when recent moves in sentiment are sizeable and move conversely to the overall sentiment. Trading on client sentiment data can help you identify where other traders are positioned, which can often act as a contrarian signal.
Broadly speaking, traders can use the IG Client Sentiment Indicator in two ways. Yet, this limitation hasn’t severely reduced the predictive level of this tool as the indicator is fairly accurate, particularly when observing long-term trends. In simpler terms, a stop loss from a sell order means an order to buy at that level (as you need a buyer for every seller or a seller for every buyer), which would push prices even higher.